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Vi do 5 stelle per l'impegno che certamente ci mettete ma francamente le istruzioni per l'installazione sono davvero inesistenti, attivi e poi dove sta la nuova pagina eBay? Now my review of this plugin is, its a great plugin, does pretty much everything including: 1. bulk listing from Woocommerce products page 2. Listing description templates 3. title attributes 4. shipping return payment policies 6. sync - 24 hour It doesn't completely suit my needs because I need 1 minute syncing but that an impossible ask anyway.

Original message: You have to make listing profiles, it requires a primary category. Click select and a blank empty popup comes up. So its broken and impossible to create any listings. I didn't expect that it will work, great! The plugin works flawlessly, it's regularly developed to bring the lastest as the various platforms changes. The support they given us is truely awesome. We haven't had to look at alternative thus far. 貢献者と開発者 WP-Lister Lite for eBay はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。 貢献者 WP Lab.

変更履歴 3. Would appreciate help from plugin author. com domain instead of the old ebaymotors. php index file 3. de Tweak: Show prompt to refresh token 4 weeks before expiry date was 2 weeks Fixed: Renewing the token could lead to an error unless the expired token was cleared manually Fixed: Product titles with a number of shortcodes could get cut off Fixed: Improved error handling when fetching token status on Tools page Dev: Unnecessary optional parameters causing warnings in PHP8 2.

php was broken since 2. php line 74 2. x methods to update the order date after updating its status to prevent the status update from resetting 2.

x and WC3. php in the default template check if the request is from AJAX or REST before printing any admin messages prevent messages from displaying when on a SagePay endpoint set the correct account when revising and relisting from the Edit Product screen show SQL errors when attempting to convert tables to utf8mb4 fixed custom title suffix option 2.

Older versions of WP-Lister will stop functioning in autumn ! js script for WooCommerce 2. pot file 2. hk instead of ebay. and updated tooltips as well when fetching orders from eBay, make sure each account eBay user name is only processed once log to db when cron job is triggered format multiple attribute values — replace pipe symbol with line break improved inventory check memory requirements — disable autoload for temp data requires WP4. for split variations fixed error 37 on servers with localized PHP settings fixed item specifics for eBay Motors categories 2.

x added support for WooCommerce MSRP Pricing extension added profile option to use MSRP as STP DiscountPriceInfo. OriginalRetailPrice improved attribute selector in item specifics — separate product attributes and custom attributes SKU, MPN, Brand improved edit product page: moved all product identifiers UPC, EAN, MPN, etc. php on line and meta box 2. created when creating orders fixed wrong quantity being sent to eBay when revising locked items with sales since 2.

php and thumbnails. js fixed updating seller profiles when refreshing eBay account 2. x behavior merged order type column for eBay and Amazon 1. output setting 1. AutoPay updated translation 1. x fixed possible issue when upgrading from version 1. x with a huge number of imported products 1. quantity support for variations and locked items fixed issue when assign a different profile to published listings show warming and link to faq when no variations are found on a variable product show mysql errors during update process 1.

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